A researcher position (CRCN) at INRAE, focusing on long-distance aerial microbial dispersal, is open for the 2025 competition campaign in the Plant Pathology unit in Avignon (https://eng-pathologie-vegetale.paca.hub.inrae.fr/)
Your missions will be to :
– estimate upward fluxes of microorganisms from plants into the troposphere using biophysical and mathematical modeling approaches
– identify likely emission sources
– determine the effect of microbiological and physical parameters on the efficiency of long-distance microbial aerial dispersion
– and to optimize the calculation of aerial connectivity networks.
Interested ?
Watch this short descriptive video (https://youtu.be/J9JAzmZJMnw/), and visit the job offer (profile #CR-2025-SPE-2) on the INRAE jobs website (https://jobs.inrae.fr/en/open-competitions/open-competitions-research-scientists-job-profiles-crcn/cr-2025-spe-2).
Applications must be submitted before March 4th, 2025 (5pm, Paris time).
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