About the position
We have an exciting position for a curious postdoctoral researcher with expertise in population- and community ecology and dynamic modelling, joining our research on the effects of climate warming on aquatic food webs. This is one of two new positions funded by an interdisciplinary FORMAS project on marine extreme weather and climate risks for fisheries, and focuses on how extreme heatwaves affect fished ecosystems.
The postdoctoral researcher will develop and analyze size-structured dynamic population- and food web models to study heatwave effects on exploited food webs, undertake time series analyses on environmental monitoring data, contribute to climate risk analyses for fisheries, and lead and contribute to related scientific publications. The position may also involve assisting mesocosm experiments simulating heatwaves.
The postdoctoral researcher will have an important role in developing climate change research from its focus on warming to knowledge on how food webs are affected by increasing temperature variations and extremes.
Welcome to join our research group working on dynamics of fish communities and aquatic food webs, and their responses to climate change, exploitation and other human pressures (www.slu.se/fishinfoodwebs).

Your profile
We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral researcher with strong quantitative skills in ecology and an interest in community ecology and dynamics. Skills in ecological modelling are required. Knowledge of, and analytical skills in, physiological- or size-structured population- or community models is desirable. Expertise in community ecology theory is an advantage. Experience of field- or mesocosm experiments on fish is also a merit.
Scientific merits of relevance for the position, including demonstrated independent scientific work, will be given highest weight. Programming skills in R, Matlab or C++ are considered a merit.
Fluency in spoken and written English is a requirement. We place great emphasis on personal qualities and abilities to communicate and to cooperate in a team as well as work independently.

Qualifications: PhD degree in ecology, applied mathematics, applied physics, or similar subject.

Location: Uppsala, Sweden

More information:

Le contenu de cette offre est la responsabilité de ses auteurs. Pour toute question relative à cette offre en particulier (date, lieu, mode de candidature, etc.), merci de les contacter directement. Un email de contact est disponible: anna.gardmark@slu.se

Pour toute autre question, vous pouvez contacter sfecodiff@sfecologie.org.