The IAPHY team (Impact of Developments and Pollutants on Hydrosystems) of the LEHNA laboratory (Laboratory of Ecology of Natural and Anthropized Hydrosystems), located on the ENTPE campus in Vaulx-en-Velin (69), is one of the six research teams within the UMR 5023 (as detailed below).

The recruited candidate will join the IAPHY team of LEHNA (UMR 5023) and contribute to strengthening research on biotope/biocenosis interactions, whether by measuring effects or monitoring the « ecological » quality using bioindicators. The recruited person will incorporate the « response of living organisms » to environmental and anthropogenic constraints into their research to identify and quantify their impacts on biodiversity, environmental quality, ecosystem functions, and, more broadly, on the functioning of hydrosystems. The research will be closely linked to the issues of climate change, current and future developments, and the expansion of pollutant sources (both old and recent). The use of systemic and multi-scale approaches will be appreciated.
The recruited researcher will align their project with the ongoing and future research of the IAPHY team and the thematic poles of LEHNA by proposing cross-cutting approaches involving the expertise of other thematic fields within LEHNA’s teams. They will conduct their research on the study objects of the IAPHY team and those of UMR LEHNA, making use of the team’s facilities (Laboratory C at ENTPE in Vaulx-en-Velin), technical platforms of LEHNA (Doua campus, Villeurbanne), federative structures, and networks of the team and the UMR.

The recruited person will primarily be involved in the new post-baccalaureate Bachelor’s program, scheduled to start in fall 2023 (levels L1 to L3). The teachings may also extend to other training programs, including the engineering degree, research master’s, and continuing education.
Specifically, the proposed teaching profile aims to conduct face-to-face teaching and participate in pedagogical management by (i) Teaching in the 1st year (1A), 2nd year (2A), and 3rd year (3A) of the Bachelor’s program in modules related to the environment (especially in the Teaching Units: Hydrosystems, Ecosystems, and Pollution) and the challenges of City and Water; (ii) In the engineering program, particularly in ecology, practical work in Life Sciences, and courses related to ecological transition; (iii) Involvement in the supervised follow-up of bachelor’s interns in companies and participation in MSP (Professional Situation Internships of 2nd-year ENTPE) and TFE (End-of-Study Project of 3rd-year ENTPE) juries.

The teaching mission involves providing lectures, tutorials, practical work, project and internship supervision, as well as academic tutoring for students in apprenticeship programs, in direct collaboration with the workplace mentor in the company.
The candidate should be able to conduct and lead general teachings in ecology/hydrobiology, with a particular focus on the major mechanisms and cycles of aquatic environments. The protection of wetlands is a central issue in the national policy for biodiversity protection and water resources, emphasized in the fourth National Wetlands Plan (2022-2026). Additionally, the aspect of « Ecological Transition » through biodiversity and the potential sensitivity of these different aquatic ecosystems to climate change will be highly appreciated. Therefore, the candidate should have experience teaching in these topics as part of their professional background. The candidate should be capable of delivering lectures, tutorials, and practical work on the chemical and ecological quality of hydrosystems, with a focus on the effects of developments, urban and agricultural pollution, and variations in flow and temperature due to climate change. A good knowledge of biological indicators of aquatic environments (such as IBGN or biofilm, for example) would also be appreciated. The proposed teachings must provide an overview of the current knowledge on observed impacts, discuss various existing models for assessing their vulnerability, and present elements about the adaptation strategies that can be implemented to limit their vulnerability. In general, it would be interesting for both scientific questions and teachings to be integrated into the broader issue of managing water resources in the face of global changes (anthropogenic disturbances – developments, pollutant flows – and climate change).

Deadline for applications: 16 of February 2024, 12 a.m.

Link to the broad description of the position, contacts and application process:

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