Dear all,

We are very pleased to announce our next online CESABINAR, which will take place on Thurs Jan 23rd, 2:00-3:15pm, Paris time. Mehdi Adjeroud (IRD, Perpignan) and Valeriano Parravicini will present the work of the SCORE-REEF group : Spatio-temporal variability of coral reefs at the global scale : causalities, idiosyncrasies and implications for ecological indicators.

The aim of these CESABINARS is to present the main results of the working groups once they finish a CESAB cycle. They last about 1 hour: 40 minutes of presentation and 20 minutes of questions, perhaps a bit more. The CESABINARs are open to the whole scientific community, to the participants of the CESAB groups and to the FRB network. They are a good opportunity to see how the CESAB groups work and what are their main results, but also to get in touch with the CESAB community and to get informed about our news. They are in English, so don’t hesitate to promote them in your networks.

– On Thursday December 23rd, from 2:00pm to 3:15pm (Paris time)
– With: Mehdi Adjeroud (IRD, Perpignan) and Valeriano Parravicini (EPHE, Perpignan) from the SCORE-REEF working group
– Subject: SCORE-REEF – Spatio-temporal variability of coral reefs at the global scale : causalities, idiosyncrasies and implications for ecological indicators.
– Language: English
– How : Join the zoom meeting through this page

TITLE: Spatio-temporal variability of coral reefs at the global scale: causalities, idiosyncrasies and implications for ecological indicators

ABSTRACT: Coral reefs host the highest marine biodiversity and provide crucial services that sustain 500 million people worldwide However, reefs are
degrading rapidly due to the overlap between climate induced disturbances and chronic stress. While reefs are recovering from the most prolonged global coral die off on record 2015 2016, the effect of multiple stressors is still hard to disentangle and managers or conservation practitioners are charged to take decisions in a context of high uncertainty. Solving this issue would require the development of a set of complementary indicators that evaluate the status of reefs considering the taxonomic and the functional facets of biodiversity. These should be built using large scale and long term datasets to capture a wide range of environmental, biogeographical and anthropogenic conditions.

In SCORE REEF, we merged and analysed global scale and long term datasets deriving from monitoring programs running in the French Overseas Territories and other regions. We evaluated the relevance and inter-operability of available datasets and assessed the temporal dynamics of benthic and fish assemblages using taxonomic and functional approaches. We then discuss the relevance of indicators used within the European Water Framework Directive, IFRECOR and MPAs monitoring, paving the way to the development of region tailored indicators.

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