We are seeking a motivated PhD candidate to join an interdisciplinary research project focused on leveraging deep learning and advanced image processing techniques to improve the current tools for benthic diatom-based biomonitoring of freshwater ecosystems
Expected skills: freshwater ecology and biomonitoring, diatom ecology and taxonomy, statistical analysis, programming
Supervision: Dr Carlos Wetzel at Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) (Belval campus, University of Luxembourg), co-supervision by Dr Martin Laviale at Laboratoire LIEC (campus Bridoux, Université de Lorraine)
Funding: BIOINDIC-IA project, co-funded by ANR and FNR
For more details and (online only) application => https://app.skeeled.com/offer/c/67b6fb7e541b2bceba49aaab?language=en&show_description=true
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