In the frame of an international research project, we are seeking a PhD student to explore how microbial communities associated with plant roots impact the effectiveness and longevity of vertical-flow Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for the treatment of stormwater. The PhD position is fully funded and located in the metropolitan area of Lyon, France, in the UMR LEHNA at ENTPE/University Lyon 1. Research visits in Sweden (organised by Luleå University of Technology) for a period of three to six months will allow investigating the impact of colder climates. The costs of travel to and stay in Sweden are funded by the project.
If you are highly motivated candidate and hold a master’s degree in a relevant field, such as biology, environmental engineering or environmental science, with a solid background in microbiology (molecular analysis) and knowledge of multivariate statistical tools, please send us your application.
Symbiotic interactions with microbial communities are known to support plant growth under conditions of environmental stress. These interactions could improve infiltration conditions and prevent clogging in NbS for stormwater treatment. In addition, biologically very active biofilms increase pollutant removal, transfer and bio-degradation. While some studies exist on bacterial communities, the role of the overall plant-microbe associations including fungi in NbS remains poorly known, which also extends to the limited knowledge on pollutant transformation due to these associations, e.g. speciation and isotope fractionation for heavy metals in the “substrate-to-plant continuum”.
To investigate the potential links between the chemistry of substrate, organic and inorganic pollutants, the structure of the microbial communities and the services provided by the plants, microcosm experiments with several target plant species will be coupled with long-term data sets and supplementary investigations on plant biodiversity and water quality in situ at urban infrastructure sites for stormwater management.
An interdisciplinary mindset is crucial, as we encourage collaboration across various disciplines. Strong English communication skills and the ability to work effectively in interdisciplinary teams are essential qualities we are looking for. A driver’s license equivalent to type B for reaching the field sites is very beneficial.
For further information on the position, please visit:

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