Impact of the ecological stage of the rhizospheric microbiota and the development stage of the plant on the effect of microbiota inoculation.

Recent studies highlight the interest of research on the rhizosphere microbiota to enable agriculture free of synthetic inputs, the latter being often harmful to the environment. The rhizosphere microbiota indeed has a proven impact on the phenotype of the plant. This microbial community is made up of several thousand species which succeed one another over time, according to a process called “ecological succession”. The plant interacts with this rhizosphere microbiota, in particular via its morphology and the production of root exudates, which change during the plant development.
In order to make the best use of this rhizosphere microbiota, it is necessary to better identify the link that exists between the microbiota successional stage and the plant development stage. Our project aims to deepen knowledge on the importance of the coupling between ecological dynamics of the microbiota and developmental dynamics of the plant, in particular with regard to the heritability of microbiota-mediated effects. We will try to determine which rhizosphere microbiota successional stages are the most influential on the phenotype of the plant and which stages of the plant are the most sensitive to inoculation of a microbiota.
Following an experiment during which microbiota of different successional stages were inoculated into plants of different phenological stages, the internship will consist of analyzing the structure of the microbial community according to the initial stage of this microbiota and the development stage of the plant, through approaches of molecular biology, high-throughput sequencing, bioinformatics and statistical analysis.
The candidate must have knowledge in one or more of the following disciplines: ecology and evolution, microbiology, plant biology. An inclination for biodiversity, data analysis and molecular biology is recommended.
The work will take place at INRAe in Dijon, 17 rue Sully, within the UMR Agroecology, MICSOL pole, “Functions and evolution of the plant holobiont” team.
In addition to the internship compensation, the candidate may apply before the 26th of August 2024 for a bonus “merit scholarship” of 500 € per month for 8 months (October 2024 to May 2025). This bonus is available for students enrolled in one of the masters in the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region (especially ForTheMicrobes, Ecology Management Monitoring of Ecosystems (EMME), Integrative Biology of Plant-Microbe-Environment Interactions (B2IPME), Sustainable Environmental Management (GDE), Microbiology and Biotechnologies (MB)).
For more information and application, contact Manuel Blouin (supervisor) and Samuel Jacquiod (co-supervisor).

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