In ecology, we usually focus on three main threats to explain the biodiversity crisis that ecosystems are facing: habitat destruction, climate change, and invasive species. However, even in near-pristine ecosystems such as old-growth forests with strict protection status, biodiversity and ecosystem health can be threatened by factors often largely pervasive but less conspicuous, like atmospheric pollution. Using water-filled tree holes (tree cavities filled up by water), we are developing within the SNFS SPARK project “DendroMetals&Co” a novel approach using these ecosystems to 1) monitor atmospheric pollution by heavy metals within forest ecosystems, and 2) assess its effects on forest communities and ecosystems. The chosen master candidate will be involved in this project, and will be asked to participate to the set up and the analysis of an outdoor mesocosm experiment using a combination of artificial and natural water-filled tree holes. The objective being to replicate a pollution gradient, and to assess its effects on aquatic fungi and invertebrate communities, and on ecosystem multifunctionality (primary production, secondary production, decomposition, and respiration). The experiment will be set up in the old-growth Mediterranean beech forest of La Massane (UNESCO world heritage reserve, Southern France,, and the laboratory work will be carried out in SUPSI (Ticino canton). The chosen candidate is expected to work in autonomy in the field and in the laboratory, to show fluency in spoken and written English (French fluency is not mandatory but would be much appreciated). As would be a solid background in statistics, ecology and/or ecotoxicology. The candidate will be in touch with researchers from different institutions in France and Switzerland, constituting an ideal framework and network to experience research in ecology.

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