par Julia Clause | 6 Oct 2022 | Actualités, Early Career Ecologists, Evènement, Jeunes Ecologues, News, SFE2GfÖ2022, SFE2GFÖ2022
Chères adhérentes et chers adhérents, Le groupe « jeunes écologues » de la SFɲ organise plusieurs sessions lors du congrès de Metz.Visibles sur la page de la conférence: Objectifs : i) permettre aux étudiants...
par Julia Clause | 5 Oct 2021 | Early Career Ecologists, Event, News, SFE2GfÖ2022
International Congress of Ecology & Evolution Ecology & Evolution : New perspectives and Social challenges 21-25 November 2022 Congress center « Robert Schuman », Metz (France) It is with great pleasure that we announce the dates of the next meeting...
par Julia Clause | 13 Juil 2021 | AEET-SFE2, Early Career Ecologists, Event, News, Uncategorized
Being a scientist involves much more than working on your experiments, observations, models, or producing papers. Managing work-life balance, human relationships with your peers, networking, teaching, communicating your research, all of it while navigating the...
par Julia Clause | 28 Avr 2021 | Early Career Ecologists, Event, News
The French Society for Ecology and Evolution (SFɲ) and the Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre (AEET) are joining to organise an online event that targets Early Career Ecologists, in particular but not restricted to, M.Sc. and Ph.D. candidates. More experienced...
par Julia Clause | 9 Avr 2021 | BESFE, BESFE2020, Event, News
This December we invite you to join over 1,200 ecologists from around the world at Ecology Across Borders 2021, a joint Annual Meeting BES-SFE² We are excited to announce that the call for thematic sessions and workshops is now open! #EAB2021...
par Julia Clause | 31 Mar 2021 | Early Career Ecologists, Event, News, Uncategorized
The AEET (Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre) and the SFɲ (Société Française d’Écologie et d’Évolution) are coorganising three half-day sessions for Early-Career Ecologists in research labs, on June 9, 10 and 11 2021.This conference is scheduled online on...
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