This December we invite you to join over 1,200 ecologists from around the world at Ecology Across Borders 2021, a joint Annual Meeting BES-SFE²
We are excited to announce that the call for thematic sessions and workshops is now open! #EAB2021

We continue to follow the latest advice regarding coronavirus and how it may affect #EAB2021 in Liverpool this December.
As is stands, we are continuing to make plans for an in-person event whilst exploring additional online elements & will update the community if this changes.

Thematic sessions provide high-profile forums for the discussion of timely, innovative questions and showcase integration among disciplines.
Submit a thematic session proposal by 17:00 (BST), Wednesday 26 May #EAB2021

Workshops are interactive sessions that encourage networking, skills development & creative thinking, with audience participation.
Submit a workshop proposal by 17:00 (BST), Wednesday 26 May #EAB2021

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