The AEET (Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre) and the SFɲ (Société Française d’Écologie et d’Évolution) are coorganising three half-day sessions for Early-Career Ecologists in research labs, on June 9, 10 and 11 2021.
This conference is scheduled online on mornings, from 9:00 to 12:30 AM, and will be mainly in English. Each morning session consists in presentations, round tables, discussions and workshops. The event targets early-career researchers (Master students, PhD students and post-docs) but senior scientists are more than welcome to attend since the discussed topics deal with lab functioning in general
The detailed program and registration links will be communicated soon.
Below, the three themes corresponding to the three sessions.
- Wednesday June 9 : Supervising? Dos and don’ts
Supervision is challenging because of the unique relationship between students and their supervisors, and the difference of status (permanent vs. non-permanent). Conflicts can arise and turn PhD studies into a bad experience with disastrous consequences on the PhD student mental health and on science in general.
In this session, we will discuss with PhD program directors the various issues linked to supervision, the existing ways to solve them and what we can do to improve the situation.
- Thursday June 10 : Valorise complementary skills in and outside academia
Students develop many valuable skills during their PhD studies, but they are often not aware of them. Additionally, universities and PhD programs also give access to various useful trainings.
In this session, we will highlight the skills valuable inside and outside of academia.
- Friday June 11 : Open Science
Science is currently facing reproducibility, accessibility and publishing issues. Open access of data, codes and scientific articles is the cure to this crisis.
In this session, we will present the existing projects and tools that promote open science.
Book those dates now in your agenda and stay updated on the latest information.

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