Ernst Haeckel: Art forms in Nature/Kunstformen der Natur, Leipzig und Wien (1904); Lithography; Plate 31: Cyrtoidea – Flaschenstrahlinge. From left to right: Stichophaena bitteriana, Phormocampidae; Dictyocodon annasethe, Podocyrtidae; Artopilium elegans, Stichocyrtidae
The 150th Anniversary of the Ecology Concept: Linking Evolution, Physiology and Biogeography
Symposium, 14. and 15. April 2016, KUBUS, Leipzig
Organized by the European Ecological Federation (EEF) and the Helmholtz Centre of Environmental Research – UFZ
In 1866 Ernst Haeckel defined Ecology as the science of the interactions among organisms and their abiotic conditions (“Unter Oecologie verstehen wir die gesammte Wissenschaft von den Beziehungen des Organismus zur umgebenden Aussenwelt, wohin wir im weiteren Sinne alle „Existenz-Bedingungen » rechnen können.“). Additional, he characterized Ecology in close relationship to Physiology, Biogeography (Haeckel: Chorology) and Evolutionary Theory (Haeckel: Descendenztheorie). He anticipated Darwin’s Evolutionary theory as a corner stone of Ecology. This was a revolutionary concept in comparison to the classical Natural History approaches focusing on the description of the living conditions of plants and animals.
150 year later, this concept is still of increasing importance in the present discussion on the effects of Global change on organisms and ecosystems as well as on the role of anthropogenic selection factors on evolution in general and microevolution in detail.
This symposium is the opening ceremony of a series of events celebrating the 150 anniversary of the concept of ecology throughout Europe. For more information on forthcoming events visit http://www.ecology150anniversary.net/en_US/ . The webpage will be updated regularly as some events will be announced at short notice. The series of events will find and end in September with the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Gemany, Austria and Switzerland, which is entitled « 150 years of ecology – learning for the future ».
The main aim of the symposium in Leipzig is to discuss the most important steps of the development of ecology and the consequences for future research to meet the challenges of the Anthropocene.
The present developments in Ecophysiology, Evolutionary Ecology, Biogeography and Ecology itself will be discussed by Keynotes. Keynotes speakers are e.g. Joshtrom Kureethadam, University Pontifica Salesiana, Stan Harpole, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv/UFZ); Luc De Meester, University Leuven; Kurt Jax, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Hans Van Dyck, Université catholique de Louvaine. Furthermore, in working groups we address the future scientific challenges in the given fields of research as well as the interdisciplinary benefits for Ecology and contributions (15 min) by participants are very much appreciated.
We aim to publish the keynotes, symposium contributions and the overall workshop results in an Ecological book series.
We cordially want to invite you to join this symposium and discuss with experts the main steps of the development of ecology and the consequences for future research to meet the challenges of the Anthropocene.
This workshop will have a capacity of 120 participants, therefore please register (free of charge) in time to retain your participation: http://www.ecology150anniversary.net/en_US/event/the-150th-anniversary-of-the-ecology-concept/. Oral or poster presentation are welcome!
For any further question concerning the symposium please contact 150-years-of-ecology@ufz.de
We are looking forward to welcome you here in Leipzig to make the symposium an interesting and fruitful event celebrating the 150th anniversary of ecology.
Kind regards
Stefan Klotz (Head of the Department Community Ecology, UFZ)
Alberto Bassett (President of the EEF)
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