French Society for Ecology and Evolution

The French Society for Ecology and Evolution (SFE²), founded in 1968, is a non-profit organisation, recognised as of ‘public interest’. It is a member of the European Ecological Federation and of INTECOL. Its goal is to spread ecological and evolutionary sciences in France by promoting their developement, the integration and the sharing of scientific knowledge with different approaches. It represents the community of French ecologists and evolutionists and establishes common actions with other societies and non-profit organisations to open a real dialogue between knowledges, including scientists, managers and users. To join and support the SFE² is to guarantee the representation of ecological and evolutionary sciences within the big debates of our society as well as an independent platform of expression for all researchers in these fields.


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[TEBIS] Appel à communications – 9èmes journées TEBIS du 04 au 06/10/21 – extension des inscriptions

[TEBIS] Appel à communications – 9èmes journées TEBIS du 04 au 06/10/21 – extension des inscriptions

C’est avec beaucoup d’optimisme et d’espoir que nous vous ré-invitons à Beauvais pour l’évènement de la rentrée : les IXèmes journées du groupe de travail « Traits Ecologiques et Biologiques des organIsmes des Sols » (TEBIS) nous permettront enfin de nous retrouver en présentiel du lundi 04 au mercredi 06 octobre 2021.

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