Hi everyone,
We are looking for an Erasmus student for an exciting project on the effect of territory quality on aggression in Tawny owls🦉in Czechia
One season of fieldwork is already completed in 2024. Data can be used for bachelor/master thesis.
We also provide a small monthly scholarship to supplement the Erasmus stipend. All other details are in the flyer on X/Twitter 🙂
Contact me at ssangeethspeaks@gmail.com by August 31st, 2024 if you’re interested.
Le contenu de cette offre est la responsabilité de ses auteurs. Pour toute question relative à cette offre en particulier (date, lieu, mode de candidature, etc.), merci de les contacter directement. Un email de contact est disponible: ssangeethspeaks@gmail.com
Pour toute autre question, vous pouvez contacter sfecodiff@sfecologie.org.
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